
Digital November 25, 2021

Digitals Events: Why Live Streaming Could Save Your Next Event?

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With the current climate of uncertainty due to the progression of Covid-19 and ever changing protocols, social media lives are the most secure way to go forward with your events.

Today, live streaming is a familiar mode of content consumption and is changing the way brands interact with their audiences.

Besides being the safest option (no risks of contamination, lower risk of cancellation…), lives have several other benefits in the current pandemic times.

1. Business Continuity

With Covid protocols, mass gatherings are limited to 100, 50 or even 10 people at times. However, launching a product or planning an event requires the same effort and energy be it for 10 or 1000 persons.

So, live streaming is the answer to making your events visible to a wider audience.

2. Boost your reach

When you go live, your broadcast will be spread amongst your network but also amongst your network’s network! You now have the power to connect with your employees, customers or local and/or international community.

Besides, you can choose to broadcast on different platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Teams, etc. Note, however, that certain platforms broadcast in vertical and others in horizontal format.

Fans usually receive a notification when the live starts.

3. Engaging communication

Live streaming for businesses can be done using just a phone like we do for our personal page. It can also be enhanced to provide a more engaging experience:

  1. Brand your live by adding your logo and graphic elements
  2. Add ambient music
  3. Do a live poll and display results
  4. Insert media: photos, pre-recorded videos etc.
  5. Add different camera angles : close-ups on speakers, wide angle on the venue…

Case Study

Launching of new product

A major beauty product distributor needed to launch a new product on the market but was unable to host a physical event due to restrictions. Diizz helped set up the plan for a live launch.

Before the D-Day, products were tested on models by professional hairdressers and this was recorded and edited. Pack shots and before & after pictures were prepared.

During the live, a Master of Ceremony introduced the products in front of a small panel of professionals and pre-recorded videos were broadcasted.

In the lead-up to the event, a sense of excitement were built through teasers and the creation of an event on Facebook as well as various posts on their official page.

4. Additional marketing materials

At the end of the broadcast, the live broadcast can be published on the social media platform! Comments, reactions and views for some platforms will remain available. A copy of the live streaming will also be available for you for future marketing campaigns
or for referrals.

5. Stress free live streaming

Live streaming may seem simple but requires a lot of preparation. To avoid “les aléas du direct”, some brands may prefer to pre-record the event then broadcast it as a live.

Let the Live do the Show

Technology is providing engaging live streaming experiences, and the current situation will only boost the adoption of live streaming. It is a way to reach a larger group, to target dormant members and to build your future attendance.

So far, businesses have been using live streaming for internal meetings, training, product launches, prize-giving ceremonies, graduations but in fact, possibilities are endless. If you can think of it, we can broadcast it!

Contact Kim at Diizz on +230 52 58 11 22 or [email protected] to inquire about possibilities of Live Streaming or fill this form.

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